Sunday, January 15, 2006

Southeast: Mike Naso drops out, endorses Preston Caldwell

Memphis, TN

Former Senator Mike Naso dropped out of the Southeast Governor's race today and endorsed Christian Democrat Preston Caldwell. Caldwell is now in a two-horse race against incumbent Lieutenant Governor Bacon King. Sitting Governor TCash101 has declined to seek re-election, and is an oft-mentioned candidate for Vice President alongside John Ford.

Naso is a former Senator for District 3, which he won from Senator Nym90 nearly a year ago. He was forced to resign in disgrace after it was revealed he had been absent for the majority of vote in April 2005. His campaign for Governor has not been as visible as his campaign for Senator which was characterised by his garish ads that often featured him walking in slow motion into a room.

Naso's campaign for Governor included the following pledge:

Mass Highway Creation of the Southeast Region to only build better bridges to the future of the SE Region and all of Atlasia (source)

One has to question what exactly this means since it is in fact patent nonsense, and also whether it will rank alongside some of his other great policy articulations, including his plan to build a series of artificial lakes in the Midwest whilst simultaeneously cutting taxes, or legalising abortion except in cases of rape or incest.

Preston Caldwell is presently well ahead in most straw polls taken in the Southeast. Running for Lieutenant Governor is Ben Meyers, presently unopposed.


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