Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Mideast's Choice This Weekend

College Park, MD

This weekend the citizens of the Mideast go to polls not only to elect a Governor and Lieutenant Governor, but also will pass their judgement on five initiatives: A proposal to ban human cloning, a labour law reform, a proposal to allow reconsideration of the secret ballot and most controversially, two abortion initiatives. Governor 9iron, much like the last election, has proposed nothing.

The human cloning ban was generally well received by the citizens of the Mideast when first proposed by Senator MasterJedi, however, it was opposed by Gubernatorial hopeful afleitch. To this paper, the arguments in favour seem quite powerful: Cloning is anything but a safe science presently - condemning a human being to a likely retarded existence and shortened lifespan is not something the State should be in the business of allowing to go on. Further, the scientific research community will not be affected by the initiative - stem cell research of all kinds is not prohibited, nor is continued research on animals.

The labor code initiative proposed by former Lieutenant Governor Dean also gained its ballot status with little controversy. It however is opposed by another Gubernatorial hopeful, Liberty. Once again, this paper lends its support to the initiative - whilst all of its provisions are not ideal in our mind, it nonetheless establishes definitively needed rights for employees such as the requirement of a safe workplace and to seek compensation for work-related injuries.

The secret ballot reconsideration initiative proposed by the editor of this gutter tabloid and former Governor, Peter Bell, also received ballot status without much incident. Whilst many within the Mideast remain in support of a secret ballot in principle, it has become clear from experience to all that the present arrangements are not satisfactory. The initiative will repeal the secret ballot procedure statute and calls for the Governor to lead a consultation to draft new arrangements and introduce legislation within two months.

The Public Assistance in Abortion initiative proposed by Senator MasterJedi has raised eyebrows among many, and is likely to see support from a coalition of pro-life activists and libertarians. At its core, it proposes to withdraw state funding for elective abortions from prospective mothers. Despite some opposition from afleitch and other pro-choice advocates, it will probably see support from some in the centre.

The RU-486 abortion pill ban, also proposed by MasterJedi, is also up for a vote and has been by far the most controversial initiative with this publication conducting polling on the subject, which saw it failing by 5 votes to 3. Our editor, Peter Bell, has been one of its most vocal detractors and has spoken at length about its probable impacts not only on necessary life-of-the-mother abortions, but also upon other medical research. On the other side, Liberty has used his gubernatorial campaign to speak in its favour, hoping to promote a general culture of life in the Mideast.

Voting opens this Friday at midnight EST in the Mideast.


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