Friday, January 27, 2006

Republic Declines to Seek Re-election; Porce Enters Race

Dayton, OH and Charleston, SC

President Joe Republic declined to seek re-election to the Presidency yesterday in a move that will undoubtedly completely reshape the entire campaign. Citing a lack of time and energy to both run a campaign or the country, President Republic gracefully exitted a race that he never actually enterred.

The news was met with a mixed reaction: Governor John Ford, a Presidential hopeful, paid tribute to the President's service and expressed regret for a campaign that has taken on a very bitter personal note in recent days. A number of other citizens thanked the President for his service, whilst Senator Jake was his usual self, suggesting that Republic's exit from the race was simply a cover for the fact that he would lose heavily.

Shortly after Republic's announcement, the sitting Vice-President, Porce, declared his intention to seek the office of President, promising an agenda, and presumably a Vice-President of his own, in the coming days and weeks. He also took the opportunity to place himself firmly on forum affairs by immediately coming out in favour of the proposed FPTP-with-runoff voting system and highlighting his impeccable record in the Senate.

Whether any prominent Atlasians who had previously pledged themselves to Republic will use his exit from the race as a reason to start up their own campaign remains to be seen, however, it is expected that Porce will carry the majority of Joe Republic's supporters over to his own campaign.


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