Monday, January 23, 2006

Republic has edge over Ford

Fort Wayne, IN

In the polling done for the Atlasian Observer over the past weekend, it has emerged that in a theoretical last round match-up between Joe Republic/Porce and John Ford/True Democrat that Joe Republic and Porce have the edge, leading by 22 votes to 18, a clear 10% advantage at this early stage in the campaign.

This is undoubtedly welcome news for the Republic campaign which has withstood a barrage of attacks in recent days from the Ford campaign.

When asked which tickets they were seriously considering for their highest preference, more voters are now replying both Republic/Porce and Ford/Democrat, with Republic/Porce up a whole 10 points over the last poll.

DanielX's support seems to have totally collapsed with the exit of his running mate (aka Casey Reese) from the race, dropping a whole ten points and shedding nearly half of his supporters. Unless he is able to shore up support with a strong Vice Presidential pick, he is finished in this campaign.

Speed of Sound's pick of EarlAW doesn't appear to have inspired much confidence with the voters, and he is now tied with Jesus, a frequent protest candidate, on 7.5%. This is another campaign in need of good news, otherwise, the end of the tunnel will approach sooner than 17 February.

The big surprise of the weekend's polling was the surging performance of Ilikeverin/PBrunsel, who polled just short of a third "strongly consider for top preference" votes. Campaigning on a platform of making Atlasia fun again, Verin and Brunsel appear to have captured the fun-loving side of the voters by offering a refreshing alternative to the back-biting attacks of the top contenders. How well this support will hold up remains to be seen.

In another interesting shift from the voters, voting reform appears to have dropped like a lead balloon in the voters minds, with economic affairs gaining traction. A massive 15 point jump for economic affairs might be attributed to renewed concerns over the use of finances in the "game", and the falling away of voting reform likely comes as a by-product of the Secret Ballot Amendment fading into memory. General Forum Affairs maintains its presence as the most important issue in the mid-40s.


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